Thursday, May 15, 2008

The Waiting Game

I have three stories that have been in an editor's slush pile for two months now.

At this point I start to get antsy.

However, often (but not always) a long wait means it has passed through the first round of slush reading and is under consideration.

That's good. I think.


Creative A said...

Ooh...I feel for you...I submitted an article idea to a publisher and they liked it, telling me to send in the manunscript. I did and it's been a month + 1/2 without any response. Its killing me.

I hope you get you're response soon!

Suzanne Vincent said...

Good luck to you, too!

2 months isn't the longest I've waited, but it feels like WAY too long!!

Jake Freivald said...

Don'tcha hate that? I've got one more out that's just about to reach the average length for that market (IGMS), so I'm on pins and needles.

It's better than the alternative, though: I just got two rejections in short succession. :(

I'm waiting on one more (I assume it'll be a rejection, anyway) from Glimmer Train, but because it's a contest I at least know when I'll know -- the end of June.

Good luck!